Forecasting Activities
- Pulsenomics Crystal Ball award for accurate/outstanding performance for U.S. HOME PRICE prediction in Zillow survey for 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015 & 2013.
- Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago award for forecasting excellence for the best:
- TRADE WEIGHTED DOLLAR forecast made at the 2018 Economic Outlook Symposium.
- RESIDENTIAL CONSTRUCTION & HOUSING STARTS forecast made at the 2018 Automotive Outlook Symposium.
- PRIVATE INVENTORY CHANGE forecast made at the 2017 Economic Outlook Symposium.
- REAL GDP DEFLATOR forecast made at 2017 Automotive Outlook Symposium.
- REAL GDP forecast made at 2016 Automotive Outlook Symposium.
- Award of Excellence in Publications by the Association for University Business and Economic Research (AUBER), 2011.
- Most accurate forecaster award in the GDP category by Bloomberg News, 2005.
- Most accurate forecaster in the employment category by the Bank One Economic Outlook Center, Arizona State University, 2003.
- Member of Georgia Governor’s Council of Economic Advisors, 2003-Present.
- Officer, National Association for Business Economics Financial Roundtable, 2006-Present.
- Organizer and moderator, plenary session on U.S. economic outlook at the Western Economic Association’s annual meeting, San Diego, California, 2006.
- Organizer and moderator, session on economic forecasting at the Association for University Business and Economic Research annual meeting, Missoula, Montana, 2005.
- Panelist, session organized by Global Interdependence Center on U.S. Monetary Policy:
- Universidad del CEMA, Buenos Aires, Argentina, March 2018.
- Deutsche Bundesbank, Frankfurt, Germany, February 2018.
- Rafael del Pino Foundation & BBVA, Madrid, Spain, March 2017 & October 2016.
- Central Bank of Finland, Helsinki, Finland, June 2016.
- Central Bank of France, Paris, France, March 2012.
- Central Bank of Chile, Santiago, Chile, January 2011.
- Keith Schwer keynote lecture presented at the 2017 Association for University Business and Economic Research (AUBER) annual conference in Albuquerque, New Mexico, October 2017.
- Guest Lecturer, FFIEC’s Conference for Large, Complex Financial Institutions program at FDIC’s Arlington headquarters, 2013 to present.
- Moderator, session organized by Global Interdependence Center on Middle East Economies in conjunction with Wharton School of Business and Higher Institute of Technology in Abu Dhabi, UAE, March 2013.
- Invited Lecture, American Bankers Association/Stonier National Graduate School of Banking program at University of Pennsylvania campus, Philadelphia, 2010 to 2013.
- Invited Lecture, Swiss Finance Institute, Wolfsburg, Switzerland, March 2012 & 2011.
- Invited Lecture, CIO Executive Summit, Atlanta, November 2010.
- Invited Lecture, CFO Executive Summit, Atlanta, June 2010.
- Invited Lecture, American Bankers Association/Stonier National Graduate School of Banking program at University of Pennsylvania campus, Philadelphia, 2010.
- Invited Lecture, American Bankers Association/Stonier National Graduate School of Banking program at University of Pennsylvania campus, Philadelphia, 2009.
- Invited Lecture, Association of Foreign Investors in Real Estate’s annual meeting, Washington, D.C., 2005.
- Invited lecture, Canadian Business Economics Association’s annual meeting, Ottawa, 2004.
- Keynote speaker on the U.S. economy at Economic Outlook Summits of:
- University of Memphis, 2019
- University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2015
- Berry College, 2009
- Northwestern State University of Louisiana, 2007-2008
- University of Louisiana at Monroe, 2004-2007
- Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta, 2003-2006
- University of California at Santa Barbara, 2000-2006
- Western Washington University, 2003-2004
- FACTSET Consensus Survey
- Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago’s Consensus Survey
- Pulsenomics/Zillow/Case-Shiller U.S. National Home Price survey
- Wall Street Journal Forecasting Survey
- Associated Press
- Bank One Economic Outlook Survey (1998-2007)
- Bloomberg Forecast Survey
- Blue Chip Economic Indicators (Since 1998)
- Blue Chip Financial Indicators
- BNA Forecast Survey (Since 1998)
- Consensus Economics, Inc. Forecast Survey (U.K.)
- Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia’s Livingston Survey (Since 1998)
- Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia’s Professional Forecaster’s Survey (Since 1998)
- Housing Market Forecast Survey from CD Publications
- IFO World Economic Survey
- Journal of Business Forecasting Survey
- National Association for Business Economics Forecast Survey
- Reuters Forecast Survey
- S&P/Case-Shiller U.S. National Home Price survey
- USA Today Forecaster’s Survey (Since 1998)
- Board member, National Association for Business Economics, 2009-Present.
- Board member, AETC/Public Broadcasting Atlanta, 2005-Present.
- Board member, Association for University Business and Economic Research, 2004-2006.
- 100 Most Influential Georgians, Georgia Trend, 2001-2003.
Contact Us
Contact the Center
Courtney Raines
Office Manager
Press Contact
Jenifer W. Shockley
Office of Communications and Marketing